Thursday, September 25, 2008

since when do people go on dates? what IS a date?

I didn't even get to the good part! Whoops.

Soooo, Precious Pete does call Wednesday to talk about what we should do Thursday. All of you out there who read and live by "the rules" go fuck yourself because I can't do those things. I don't care about the three days you have to wait or this or that or blaaah okay.

7:55 pm - Incoming call from: Pete

I chickened out. I'm a baby. I'm childish and immature and EXTREMELY NERVOUS! So I don't pick up or call back right away. I need to first listen to his voicemail and see what he has to say, and then wait, for a good solid chunk of time to calm down and sort out all the things I could possibly say when I do eventually call him back. hummmph

His voicemail is adorable. Makes me giddy, tummy tumbles as my dear friends in the chick lit world might say. He wants to meet up around 8p and wonders where we should go? (We live on opposite sides of the city)

I have no idea where to go? Since when is it my decision? I want him to pick. I'm terrible at making decisions. Most of the time I really just don't care, but I don't like being responsible for things like that... So before I call him back I call two of my trusted guy friends - my older sister's age - who happen to be very, very close friends with Pete. Remember? I told you he was my sister's friend.

They are thrilled, which really, calms my nerves. I learn quite a bit in those two conversations. He's into service work? Volunteering? Who is this guy! I only know him as the cute, blonde drunk that I always partied with in college. (Okay, I knewww there was a sweet side). So again, they are both thrilled that we're going out for drinks, think this could be a great thing in the making, and assure me that he is the chillest, most social, not awkward person so the whole "first date thing" should be an issue.

I seriously doubt that, but I'm trying to relax.

I call him back, and he's great. I find out he's in law school (I guess was too drunk Saturday to remember this) and he finds out I'm living in the same neighborhood as his law school (he was too drunk on Saturday to remember this as well.) Welp, perfect, we can then meet at a bar around his school since he'll be in class until around 8, and I won't have to travel far from my abode.


I'm going on a date.

Who goes on dates?! Adults or something?! This is all a very new, scary world to me. Coming from a school that was well known for the LACK of dating culture and the seriously overbearing hook up culture. We didn't go on dates in college (or high school) until we were already dating someone. I know it's all backwards, as do most of you I'm sure... but my god -

This is a date.

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